There are a number of hosting services out there, and knowing which one is the right one for your business can be difficult. This month, we’ll guide you into finding the right service that fits your needs.

YouTube is almost necessary for any company producing video content. It is a major search engine and often people will find you via YouTube before they find you via a Google search. Make sure you set a channel trailer for new visitors to encourage them to subscribe.
For most businesses YouTube will be all you need. It’s free and ubiquitous. But one reason you may want to consider another option is customization. YouTube can insert ads and recommend other videos to viewers that may not jive with your business’s values. In that case, consider…
The second main video hosting option is Vimeo. Vimeo is an affordable place to host your videos and is a great choice for embedding video on your website. You have much more control over the thumbnail, controls, and what appears at the end of the video. Vimeo is also a great choice if you need to let someone download the video, as it has built-in optional controls for that.
But let’s say you really need to capture viewing data for marketing. For that you’ll want to check out…
Wistia is great if you are being very strategic with your digital marketing and using services like HubSpot and others to track click-throughs. Its cost can be much higher than the competition but it gives you more marketing data to use in decision making.